Tom Araya is from Chile. A couple of years later
his family had to flee to the US due to political unrest in the country
(I think it was in 1966). He also has a brother,
John, which is Slayer-guitar tech.
John Araya once had the band Bloodcum with Jeff's
brother (I do not know his name!).
As many know, Tom is very fascinated with serial-killers.
He has been writing about Ed Gein and Jeffrey
Dahmer among others.
He jokes alot and laughs alot, which is great
and very funny to watch.
I do not think I have one interview, where he
don't laughs.
He lives in Texas - out in the middle of nowhere.
He was the last to join Slayer. Once, he had a
job in a hospital.
Then Jeff approached him about joining Slayer.
Tom did know Kerry though. They both played in
a band, prior to Slayer, but then Tom was kicked out of the band and Kerryleft
shortly after.
Nowadays, he writes most of the lyrics on Slayer's
records. He does not write the music. When Tom wants to write about a specific
serial-killer, the other guys in Slayer say, he changes a lot.
Tom wants to become that person he writes about,
but of course Tom doesn't kill people.
Jeff once said, that he sometimes pictures Tom
completely naked, blood all over and with a knife in his hand.
Recently, he became a father to a little girl, who was born in mid May 1996. Congratulations. But he says, that him becoming a father, won't affect Slayer in any way - shorter tours, less imput or something like that. Phew!!!